With the school year starting, the kindies in their new uniforms, teenagers entering the new world of high school, and others commencing their first year out of formal education, we have to question how learning looks in the modern world. School and its structure offer learning in a traditional manner which suits some, and conflicts with others. In a world full of change and the accessibility of information, global issues and political differences, it is impossible to consider a time we stop learning. Education goes well beyond the school gates, and is so important to self-care and self-esteem.
There are many points in our lives when life overtakes us. Family commitments consume us. Work becomes frantic. Our health or the health of those around us take a turn. When these times arrive, we look to find ways of buying back time and often enter a cycle of busyness.
So, how can you nurture a continued hunt for knowledge in your busy world? You can find ways alone, with friends, or with family. A few ideas include:
Use social media
Follow groups, companies and sites online that offer you information of interest.
Find quiet time
Read a book, magazine or blog that fascinates you.
Open your mind
Become curious, question yourself and others.
Talk up
Stimulate conversation with others to feed your mind.
Work with others
Meet new people and get to know their interests, work and hobbies.
A family affair
Use dinner time to engage in discussion on current events.
Switch on
Watch a documentary, the news or program on a new field of interest.