By Marie Ball, Director, Wellbeing Australia
I love volunteering!!
I have volunteered for forty years in one form or another, from hosting a radio show for young people back in the 80’s through to volunteering at Wellbeing Australia, firstly as an Advisor and now a Director.
One thing I have noticed is that having a heart to volunteer, is not just for the retired. Although they are over represented in numbers, I suggest this is because they have more time on their hands. It is certainly not just an older person’s gig!
When given the opportunity, I have seen an 8 year old bake biscuits to raise money for a food pantry, teenagers collecting food and donations for Christmas hampers, people sharing talents and goods when the call for help goes out on social media, and the Green Movement who plant trees and keep our waterways clean. The inner drive to make a difference somewhere somehow sits within a lot of us.
Recently, I approached some volunteers and asked them a very simple question – Why do you volunteer?
Roy who is retired didn’t miss a beat and responded straight away. “There would be a few reasons for that Marie. One would be that I am a giver and like to give back to the community. I like to serve others. I like to help. I also see this as a contribution of my time. I just love doing what I do. The response from almost all was rewarding. I am sure there are more reasons, but this is some.”
Amanda works full time and finds some time to volunteer responded with “because helping people aligns with my values and gives me a sense of purpose”.
Judy volunteers at her local church because, “the Lord prompts me to help our youth and greet people in the church. Plus, I enjoy helping; I feel I serve the Lord and the people by doing so.
So, we see people volunteer for many different reasons; spiritual, social, belonging to the community and the desire to make a difference. Whatever the reason, it is part of your own story on why you volunteer or look for opportunities to make a part of your world a better place.
Here are some ideas on different types of volunteering.
- Volunteering to work with animals.
- Volunteer for a community project.
- Sports volunteering.
- Volunteering in hospitals.
- Green volunteering.