About The Speaker
Natalie Simon
BAppSc (Phty) Adv Dip TCM
Natalie Simon is a highly experienced and dedicated healthcare professional with a passion for improving the wellbeing and physical health of her clients. What sets Natalie apart is her straightforward, authentic, and practical approach to healthcare. She begins by listening attentively, understanding your unique needs and concerns, and then collaboratively devising a plan of action.
Throughout her career, Natalie has successfully diagnosed and treated a diverse range of conditions. Her expertise spans sports injuries, chronic back and neck pain, various musculoskeletal and neurological disorders, instability issues, postural dysfunction, shoulder pain, knee pain, foot and ankle pain, hand, wrist, and elbow pain, as well as headaches. Her ability to address such a broad spectrum of health challenges has earned her a stellar reputation in the field.
Natalie Simon’s commitment to excellence in healthcare and her dedication to empowering individuals on their journey to wellness make her an invaluable resource in our September webinar. Join us as she shares her insights and practical tips for achieving optimal health and wellbeing.