Staff refuel & recovery – Reset, Reconnect, Rebalance
Every event is live online at 3.30 pm – 4.30 pm, and accessible on demand for those registered.
Monday 06 September 2021, 3.30 pm
Growing up Digital in Australia – Finding Balance and Wellness in a Digital Age
with Pasi Sahlberg, Therese Keane and Paul Ivey
Reset and find ways to better manage the dynamics of a digital age and workplace. Pasi will share key highlights of the “Growing up digital in Australia” reports on staff wellbeing, influences on the new education landscape, and the community. Our panel will discuss their experiences and share strategies and solutions they have implemented in their roles, school, and environment to benefit their overall health.
Day 1 – Education Summit 2021 Pasi Sahlberg Slides
Tuesday 07 September 2021, 3.30 pm
Reconnect with your Values
with Mark Crosweller
Reconnect with your core values and understand how they may be conflicting with others in your workplace. Mark Crosweller is currently completing a Ph.D. in Ethics and will share research and findings on the importance of connecting your purpose and moral compass with your role as an Educator. Understand how work situations may challenge your values and affect your wellbeing, and how to proactively manage these.
Day 2 – Mark Crosweller’s Reading List.
Wednesday 08 September 2021, 3.30 pm
Self-care for Professionals Working with Youth Facing Mental Health Difficulties
with Maria La Pietra & David Wild
Rebalance when working with those experiencing mental health challenges or trauma through self-care, boundaries and clarity. Respecting the increasing volume of students experiencing mental health and personal trauma, Maria and David will share their strategies for educators supporting students with significant challenges. Sharing the journey and experiences of their school, SASY (Specialised Assistance School for Youth), they will suggest strategies to protect professionals from personal impacts.
Monday 13 September 2021, 3.30 pm
Finding Hope, Wellbeing & Purpose in Uncertainty
with Darren Cox, Sarah-Jane Alley & James Pietsch
Reconnect with yourself, finding peacefulness through optimism and hopefulness whilst living in ambiguity. With the evolving global landscape of uncertainty and ambiguity, now more than ever people are looking for hope to support them through their lives. Darren and James will speak to the importance of building a value-based community, connecting meaningful purpose and a spiritual (faith and non-faith-based) connection to our daily lives beyond our work.
Tuesday 14 September 2021, 3.30 pm
Building Motivation & Resilience, an Evidence-based Approach
with Marie Ball & Natalie Devenish
Reset through assessment of your drivers and drains on your energy in order to improve daily resilience and motivation. Sharing several tangible assessments and measures for resilience and motivation, Marie and Natalie will share their experiences in utilising evidence and findings to improve staff wellbeing practices and support systems. They will speak to solution-focused strategies implemented with teaching and non-teaching staff that improve wellbeing and connection for professionals and the broader school community.
Wednesday 15 September 2021, 3.30 pm
Redefining your Career, Progression, Development & Change
with Belinda Reid & Melanie Timmerman
Rebalance your priorities by understanding your options, pathways and choices.
Valuing the alignment between wellbeing and career or purpose in our core function, Belinda and Melanie will share insights into career paths and progression within education. Suitable for graduates through to aspiring leaders or those seeking to leave the profession. They will speak to the opportunities and skills of educational professionals and pathways to progression, self-improvement or fulfillment.